Our Research Themes

Database and Analytics - Math and Algorithms - Visualization - Architecture - Streaming

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Malaysia Special Interests Group on Big Data

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Big Data : An Overview

The latest trend of ICT reported by Frost and Sullivan indicates that Big Data is the most business and research topic around the world. For the past few years, IT has developed a tremendous amount of software and systems that store and manipulate many kinds of data; e.g., text, image and audio. Then, with the emerging of social utilities such as Facebook and Twitter, the issue of storing data becomes more hype. A huge size of memory is required especially when a petabyte of data is accessing at the same time. Users are not only access and store data, but also able to get new information by manipulating the existing data. The new information will help users in daily life activities for example in keeping financial record, planning for vacation, and tracking personal health. Therefore, several researches on Big Data can be done in handling issues of data volume, velocity, variety, value, and veracity. Domains that are required Big Data not limited to are healthcare, government, sensor, finance, education, law, transportation, retailing, and telecommunication. Big Data will change people’s lifestyle in sustainable and affordable technology.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Our Publication

We are progressing in publishing our research works...

Our Activities

Special Meeting on MySIG Big Data at FSKTM, UM
3-March 2014
Two of our members attended technical workshop on big data in Singapore

MySIG Committee Members

MySIG Big Data 

Malaysian Special Interest Group (MySIG) on Big Data is initiated in order to provide a platform among researchers to share knowledge, ideas and experience related to big data issues. By having the MySIG website we hope Malaysian researchers will be able to collaborate better either in their research work or experiences.
Currently, our steering committee includes:

Dr. Siti Hafizah Ab. Hamid
Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Malaya
Tel. No.: 79676340
Fax No. : 79676339

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Gani
Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Malaya

Team Members
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor aniza abdullah
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli salleh
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salimah mokhtar
Dr. Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab
Dr. Chiam Yin Kia
Dr. Fariza Hanum Md Nasaruddin
Dr. Liew Shee Sun
Dr. Maizatul Akmar Ismail
Dr. Mohd Yamani Idna Idris
Dr. Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman
Dr. Suraya Hamid
Mr.  Amirrudin kamsin
Mr. Md Nor Ridzuan Daud
Mr. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir
Mr. Noorzaily Mohamed Nor

Research Themes

We focus our research on five major  themes:

Big Data Databases and Analytics

We are developing new software platforms for storing and processing massive amounts of data and for applying analytics beyond what conventional relational systems can do.  We see a “sea change” happening as analysis moves from the simple SQL aggregation capabilities to much more complex routines to perform data clustering, predictive modeling, and complex statistics.  Relational systems are not good at these linear algebra operations, because they are specified on arrays not tables.  Therefore, we’re focused on building array-oriented DBMSes.  In addition, we are investigating graph-based DBMSes for social-network-style analysis.

Big Data Math and Algorithms

< We’re designing and implementing algorithms for linear algebra, signal processing, search, and machine learning that scale to tens or hundreds of machines and petabytes of data.  To date, most algorithm work has focused on complexity of issues, assuming that the data for the algorithm is main-memory resident and runs on a single computing thread.  Therefore, our focus here is on algorithm development for parallel execution and for data that does not necessarily fit in main memory.

Big Data Visualization

We’re designing visualizations and interfaces that allow users to interact with massive data sets, on displays ranging from phones to video walls.  We assume that there is a DBMS behind such a visualization program.  Moreover, when the visualization system runs a query, it may get back a fire hose of data that it was not expecting.  Hence, visualizations have to be made scalable to large amounts of data.  As well, we have to find ways to speed up visualization systems through prefetching and caching.

Big Data Architecture

We’re trying to understand how next-generation hardware innovations – such as many-core chips, non-volatile random-access memories, and reconfigurable hardware – affect the design of data processing systems. A significant fraction of computing cycles go to supporting Big Data.  Hence, it is important to optimize computer architectures for this task.  This extends to memory systems as well as specialized chips, such as collections of GPSes.

Streaming Big Data

We’re building data processing systems that facilitate rapid processing and ingest of data streams. Behind every Big Data problem is a “Big Velocity” problem that requires data ingest and data conditioning at high rates, including the abilities to aggregate data at high speeds and load it into database management systems.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Join Us

Malaysia Special Interest Groups (MySIG) of Big Data are open to all who are interested. To join a Special Interest Group and gain access to collaborative materials produced by our SIG, call us at 03-79676340 or email your resume to sitihafizah@um.edu.my.